How to develop a 3 star rating system in the level complete screen like in Angry Birds.

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  • Hi,

    I'm trying to incorporate a 3-star rating system like what we have with games like Angry Birds. For example, in my game, if the player manages to complete a level within 5 seconds, they will get a 3-star rating. if they complete it within 10 seconds, they will get a 2-star rating, if they complete it within 15 seconds, they will get a 1-star rating and finally, if they take more than 15 seconds to complete, they get no stars.

    As such, with my limited knowledge, I tried developing a simple system, but it doesn't seem to work as intended. Following is a screenshot of this.

    The main issue with this system is that, if I complete the level within 5 seconds I get a 2-star rating, if I complete the level within 10 seconds I get a 3-star rating, if I complete the level within 15 seconds I once again get a 3-star rating and finally, if I take more than 15 seconds to complete the level, I again get a 3-star rating. not too sure what's going wrong here.

    Am very close to completing my first game in construct. Hope someone would be able to help me with this. Thanks in advance.

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  • Its because your events are resulting in multiple TRUE

    You have to refine and segment better the comparisions

    Try this:

  • KryptoPixel, It works flawlessly! thanks for the help. Greatly appreciate it. :)

    Apologies for not being able to respond to you sooner.

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