How do I detect midi devices in a desktop export build?

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  • My game detects my midi input controller when I preview it from the editor without any issue. Using the WEB MIDI Addon has been pretty seamless in that capacity.

    With both the NW.js package and the webview export options, there are no devices on the available list. I'm assuming it's some sort of permission issue but I have no idea how to trouble shoot this, any ideas?


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  • From Devtools, I can see 1 error message (no midi devices detected) but I think the warning I'm seeing might be the key:

    Web MIDI will ask a permission to use even if the sysex is not specified in the MIDIOptions.

    which points to a section in the c3runtime:

    // Request MIDI access (this is where the prompt will appear) try { if (typeof options.requestMIDIAccessFunction === "function") { this.interface = await options.requestMIDIAccessFunction({ sysex: options.sysex, software: }); } else { this.interface = await navigator.requestMIDIAccess({ sysex: options.sysex, software: }); } } catch (err) { errorEvent.error = err; this.emit("error", errorEvent); if (typeof options.callback === "function") options.callback(err); return Promise.reject(err);

    but I don't know what to do with this information.

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