How do I detect if a HTMLElement range slider has been changed?

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  • I have a HTMLElement with lots of things going on inside it. One of those things is a range slider with an id of 'slider-1'.

    I want to change a value (some variable) in the event sheet when this slider has been changed. I can see there is a htmlElement onClicked event for buttons which works great, but I can't find anything for a slider.

    How would I do this?

    I tried the following javascript snippet. It does nothing but I have a feeling I might be on the right track ...

    var slider = document.getElementById("slider-1");
    var textElement = document.getElementById("val-1");//a text element to display the current value
    slider.addEventListener("input", function() {
    	var sliderValue = this.value;
     textElement.textContent = sliderValue;



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