How can I make a data loaded from firebase load in a push

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Push the Box Puzzle Game likes Sokoban made with Illustrator
  • How can I make a data loaded from firebase load in a push way, that is, if it is modified at any time in the game in firebase, such modification is received in the game without having to load it every 5 seconds avoiding the cost of loading it every 5 seconds?


  • Generally speaking, you could check a version number instead of (down)loading the entire dataset to check for changes. If the version doesn't match, then you would update to the latest version.

    You can try to only request the specific data needed from the server, every single time you need it, so that it will always be the latest instead of loading everything into memory ahead of time.

    Updates also done normally during scheduled maintenance rather than real time.

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  • I only need it for one item of each user, for example, amount of money: ( data) to check if the data is varied I have to load it mandatory...

  • You can try to sync the local data with the server, and only check/validate when making changes such as spending money or gaining money. Gaining money can be handled the same on the client and server if its generally automatic such as in an idle game. Then you can reduce the frequency of syncing to check if the values match much less intermittently.

  • Since that is done with firebase, please help me...

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