How do I create a Pizza Shaped object(s) with random angles?

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Fully commented source code/event sheet & sprites to create a space shooter game
  • I'm trying to create a Shadow's Heart Judgment ring like clock. For this, I wanted to create the pizza shape angles first. I tried to make a loop to create 10 lines with 1 angle difference between them but is not working. Is the first time I'm working with loops.

  • I did it like this and it worked, but it is the less effective way, I cant change the pizza angle and thickness

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  • Any reason you're doing this in C3 and not in someone like Inkscape?

  • Any reason you're doing this in C3 and not in someone like Inkscape?

    I don't know what inkscape is...neither how to use. I wish I could stick to construct

  • I think citron2010 meant to ask if you are making a game or just an image? An image would be easier to create in any graphic editor.

    In Construct you can do this, if you need a clock with 60 segments:

    Repeat 60 times:
     Create Sprite
     Rotate Sprite (loopindex*6) degrees
  • I think citron2010 meant to ask if you are making a game or just an image? An image would be easier to create in any graphic editor.

    Oh Sure, I think I'm making a game? An image would be easier, but I wanted to make differente patterns of the area. Like in shadow hearts

    In Construct you can do this, if you need a clock with 60 segments:

    I'll try this, thanks!

  • Rotate Sprite (loopindex*6) degrees

    This is it man! thank you so much. Now, is there a way to create this objects in other angles and multiple times? Like three times?

    Edit: Just discovered, it's just to write (angle I want)*LoopIndex*1. And to create multiple slices is just make multiple events of the same in other angles. Thanks man, I would never discover without you.

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