How do I create an object that has the same properties as the object that is in the object tree?

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From the Asset Store
Background Story generation templates. See the Arcade demo.
  • Hello everyone,

    I would like to create an object. This is not a problem so far. However, I have noticed that this created object does not take over any properties from the original object which is in the object tree. I have made my sprite smaller in the properties and it is also semi-transparent. But when the object is created via the eventsheet it does not take over any changes but creates a much too large sprite without an alpha channel. Is it not possible to take over the values that were changed in the original? If I drag the object from the object tree into the layout, it also takes over all the properties. so why not use the Create object option?

  • It will take properties from the instance with the lowest UID so try to the find it or if there are no instances at all then it will also create the default one like you are seeing.

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  • ok, interesting. but the funny thing is that the alpha value is not taken over. the image already has a certain transparency without me having to do anything in construct. this is not taken over via create object although this is the source file that i have loaded into construct 3.

  • Look into templates to solve this problem.

    In the layout view select the instance you would like to create at runtime, after making all the changes you want, look in the Properties bar for the 'Template mode' property and set it to 'Template', then set the 'Template name' property to some value of your choice.

    At runtime when you use the Create Object action, you can fill in the 'template' parameter with the value you used for 'Template name'. The new instance will take all the properties that were set in the editor.

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