How do I create a new instance of an object and change its sprite without affecting the others?

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  • i'm trying to dynamically create new objects through a generic one and load the images from url, but what ends up happening is that everything that used that generic object end up displaying the same sprite

    i've had a similar issue before where i only needed to change the physics collision of one specific instance of an object but all the other instances get affected, and i later found out that apparently what i wanted to do was not possible in construct

    is the sprite issue the same? or there's a way to do it?


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  • Use 'on created' condition to pick the one that was just created then apply actions and see if it works.

  • An alternative way to handle this is with the drawing canvas object to take a snapshot of the previous sprite texture. The drawing canvas can keep the name or index of the sprite in an instance variable to assist in picking.

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