Construct 3D jerky camera motion

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • Hi, I am working on a 3D game using C3 and I can't help but notice the camera to be a little jerky while moving towards a specific direction but was smooth when moving in another direction. Upon several experimentation, I managed to find the cause of this rather strange occurrence. When the camera is moving towards a direction that faces a lot of sprites and 3D shapes, the camera motion tends to be jerky. Moving towards a direction that faces less or little sprites and 3D models, the camera motion is pretty smooth. However, I have no idea how to solve this issue. Is it a performance issue (I tried switching btwn the fullscreen performance (low vs high) and toggle with all the display options available but to no avail. Is the C3 development team aware of this problem?

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  • The problem that if you design a game that is beyond the capabilities of the target device it will run slowly? Probably yeah.

  • How does that explain the fact that moving in one direction (when facing a direction with less sprites or 3D shapes) gives a smooth camera motion while moving in another direction (which faces more 3D shapes) becomes jerky. If the performance is limited by the device, then it should be jerky all around regardless of whichever direction it moves toward. Besides, it is not like there are thousands of sprites for the program to work around with (I've specifically made each sprite and 3D shape resolutions to be as low as possible, so it shouldn't be affected by large graphics). I've enabled v-sync and worker but the issue still persists.

  • Probably a fill rate limitation. C3 isn't a 3d engine so it's probably not great at efficient occlusion culling (or it doesn't exist at all). Fill rate is a common performance limitation even with 2d games, so I'm guessing your lag doesn't have anything to do with polygon resolution, just simply how many pixels it has to fill and refill.

    Just speculation though. You can test by using a more or less powerful device with remote preview to see if there is a noticeable difference. If you know better then feel free to make a bug report following the guidelines. That's the most direct way to get a fast response from the dev.

  • I guess that's a plausible explanation. Anyway, I've found a way to reduce the jerkiness of the 3D camera which is to reduce the "observable" distance in the Display option. Your explanation gave me a hunch and I was glad it was right. I suppose reducing the "observable" distance reduces the memory needed to render the objects in the field of vision. So problem is SOLVED! Thanks a heap!

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