clear local storage: System: Save game to slot "x"

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  • Hi,

    Is it possible to clear the storage of a game saved by the System object (-> System: Save game to slot "x")?

    The LocalStorage object has an action 'Clear Storage'.

    Clearing this LocalStorage has no effect on the game saved by System: Save game to slot.

    Or is it possible to save and load the entire game in a LocalStorage as simple as "System: Save game?"


  • Is it possible to clear the storage of a game saved by the System object (-> System: Save game to slot "x")?

    There is no direct way to delete data from a save slot.

    The most straightforward way is to overwrite the slot with a new or fresh game state.

    Normally what you would delete is the reference to that save slot, so users can't pick it anymore. In other words rather than deleting the save slot, you can delete the ability for a user to load a particular save. You do this simply by setting a new slot to save to and load from, and you can overwrite the old one at a later time if you want to save space.

    Or is it possible to save and load the entire game in a LocalStorage as simple as "System: Save game?"

    It is possible, but not simple at all. You'll need to manually determine everything to save and load. Depending on the type of game and how much data needs to be saved, this may not be feasible.

  • Hi,

    Thank you for the clear answer!

    [quote:1q3vlevq]In other words rather than deleting the save slot, you can delete the ability for a user to load a particular save.

    What about the Local Storage limits of the browser?

    Can I exceed the limits If I create new slots over and over again, with a lot of data?

    Is the slot limited or the application?

    Is there another way to clear all slots, for example in the settings of my browser?

    Thanks again!

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  • I found an anwer to:

    [quote:2bvx22e1]Is there another way to clear all slots, for example in the settings of my browser?

    Clearing the localestorage of a specific site in Chrome:

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