how do I clear the cache of the game cause nothing works

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  • Hi

    so I have added on start of layout the clear localstorage

    but when I have the game online and I update to a new version, the users see the old version unless they go to the game again (they have already played it) or click on shift R

    I looked in the console and it shows that there is a cache storage folder - how do I clean that so that it will show the latest ver?

    thank you

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  • Construct has a system in place that updates the game if there's a new version. You circumvent this system by editing the exported project rather than exporting a new one.

    It's a shot in the wild and I haven't tested it but I do think it's possible to trigger this update system by simply editing offline.json (along with whatever other changes you made) and increasing the version number by one, then reloading twice. (First reload triggers the update that happens in the background, second reload then applies it)

    The functionality for this is a little bit hidden inside the Browser plugin.

    You can refer to this.

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