How do I check if any animation is playing?

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  • I have another simple question to ask (I hope someone answers this time).

    I am making a game where NPCS have a chat icon that moves when they talk. I am making it as to where their chat icon stops moving when the NPC talk noise stops playing. I need to figure out how to check if the animation HASN'T stopped yet in order to allow the animation to play whilst the sound is playing without being stuck on the first frame. Is there any way to make an "is any animation currently playing" block in order to prevent the animation from freezing?

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  • Yeah, "Is animation playing" condition is misleading, because it doesn't check if an animation is actually playing. It should really be called "Compare animation name".

    Use "On animation finished" trigger to stop the talk noise. You can add an instance variable isPlaying to the sprite. Set it to 1 when you start the animation, and reset to 0 when animation is finished.

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