How do I make a character asymmetrical?

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  • I'm teaching a class the basics of making a platformer in construct right now. One of the students has an asymmetrical character, so they wouldn't be able to do the "set mirrored"/"set not mirrored" event. I figured that doing this successfully would involve mirroring the animation manually and having separate animations for left/right movements. I don't know nearly enough about making games to know how to pull this off in the event sheet though.

    Here is what my basic event sheet looks like with a symmetrical character:

    How would I do something like this with an asymmetrical character (left/right animations separate)?


  • So the origin is in the wrong place? Assign it to the middle of the object.

  • Thanks, but I don't think you understand what I'm asking. Basically, let's say I have a character who doesn't look the same on both sides. Maybe they are holding something on one hand and not the other, or they wear a certain piece or armor on one arm and not the other. You would have to create separate animations for every movement (walk, jump, etc), one for facing right, and one for left.

    To test this out, I took my character animation and made a duplicate version that is mirrored, and made it blue to distinguish it. So now I have one animation for my character walking right, and one walking left.

    How would I use the event sheet to make my character walk, jump, idle, etc, while also giving each one a different animation depending on which direction the character is facing?

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  • I think I understand what you mean. For example: If a sprite faces to the right and hold a sword in his right hand and a shield in his left and if it's now mirrored and faces to the left it would hold the sword in his left and the shield in his right. Is it that what you mean? I think you could only change that with extra animations for left and right. In older games like Zelda II no one bothered with that.

  • In 2D the only way to solve this is by having two different sets of animations for each side, no hidden tricks.

    Granted, most games (including high profile ones) don't even bother with it and just mirror the images.

    The most common example of this is 2D fighting games, at all levels of development, from the tiniest of studios to big budget AAA games, the graphics are just flipped and nobody seems to be bothered with it. Some of the newer fighting games that could easily do it because they are in 3D, still choose to flip the assets because it is more convenient for the players to see the same graphics no matter what side the character is facing.

    If you still want to do it, you will need to produce more graphics.

  • Thanks for your response! That all sounds great to me. What I want to know is, once I make all my left/right animations, how would I program that into my event sheet? My construct (and game making in general) knowledge is pretty limited, so I would love some help with which actions/events to use to make that work.

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