How do I make the cave?

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  • I have a cave in my TDS game, and it's have more than one entrance. How can I make it so that when entering a cave, the player appears near the corresponding entrance, and not in another place? That is, to be able to enter a cave at one end of the map, go through it and exit at the other end (entrance and exit were made using "Go to Layout")?


  • Create invisibly doors in all the entrances and add an instance variable "Door_Number" then set each door with its own unique number: 1,2,3, etc...

    Supposing that the Cave is in a separate layout:

    You need to repeat the same process and create all the invisible doors with the same "Door_Number" unique number: 1,2,3, etc...That you set it up above.

    1-Then on colliding with any door to enter the cave save the "Door_Number" in a global variable, Array, Dictionary, or whatever method you like.

    2-On Cave Layout:

    -At the start of the layout:

    ----------Door.Door_Number = Global Var "Door_Number": ---------Action:Set Character Position to DoorX,Y

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