What is it called when you add strikes?

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    I'm getting no where searching, because I don't know what this is called.

    Each time the player shoots a vegetable, they get a strike against them. The strike is an X on the top of the screen. They get 3 strikes the game is over.

    I have a global variable, I assume I need instance variables. I have blocks under where I want the strike images to go and I have them in a container .... but I'm only guessing that is what I need .... and that's where I get stuck.

    Are there instructions? Or can someone tell me what it's called?


  • Maybe something like this?

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  • I do it like this:

    have a global var. strikes

    Create a sprite with 4 animation frames, set frame rate to 0 call it xxx

    first frame is empty square, second frame ( frame 1 ) is a single X, then 2 xs, and last frame 3 xs

    Then all you need to do is one line xxx.Set Animation Frame to strikes

  • I do it like this:

    have a global var. strikes

    Create a sprite with 4 animation frames, set frame rate to 0 call it xxx

    first frame is empty square, second frame ( frame 1 ) is a single X, then 2 xs, and last frame 3 xs

    Then all you need to do is one line xxx.Set Animation Frame to strikes

    OoOooo I like that much more than my caveman approach.

  • BadMario,

    I can't believe I didn't think of that.

    Thank you.

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