How to make C3 Games work fast on mobile?

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  • I've used Construct since 2014, I got C3 thinking it was really fast.

    I made a prototype of a platform game, which has only the character and controls on screen.



    Asus Zenphone 5

    Android 5.1

    Test yourself


    Creating portable games only for powerful end devices is completely unfeasible.

  • See where it says canvas2d?

    It shouldn't do that.

    Provide something to debug if you want more useful replies.

  • See where it says canvas2d?

    It shouldn't do that.

    Provide something to debug if you want more useful replies.

    Hello, I did not make any changes to the factory settings.

    On my PC is showing WEBLG, but on Android Canvas2D

    How do I change this?

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  • Actually on my phone is only using about 20% cpu and it says weblg, if that can help

  • On my cell phone, it's like that. Brand and model: Samsung J3

  • I'm going to test. I have a poor android device just for this scenario. But I want to mention that the new runtime is not at official release. To test it you must select it. So it is running on the C2 runtime, so...

  • I had a few jitters but the jump mechanic seems entwined with the entire screen, I'm not criticizing maybe that's fine.

    My table used WebGL

    I tested on a lenovo with a 1.0ghz processor and 1gb ram. I got up to 26%cpu and as low as 18% with an average of 60fps, with drops down to 58fps after a jitter. and a massive drop to 48fps upon start of layout.

    Again, you would of had to specifically select the c3 runtime to test the new set-up.

  • I tested it on an LG G2(Snapdragon 800 Qualcomm MSM8974, 2.3 GHz Quad Core, Adreno 330, 2GB RAM) and it's like WebGL 60fps, I think it's problem with Zenphone 5 x86 (when I use C2 games with Coccon's Canvas + appears WebGL).

    I think it's really a processor problem.

    Thank you.

  • I think it's probably a blacklisted GPU since it is dropping down to canvas2d. When device's GPUs are buggy/unreliable/insecure Chrome will not use the GPU which means it won't use WebGL and that usually results in poor performance. Generally this only affects a few % of devices, and it should be going down.

    Does the same project show "webgl" if you run it in the Chrome browser instead? If it only shows canvas2d in the APK then that might be related to a Chrome bug report I filed a while ago.

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