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  • Hi.

    I've been using construct 2 for a while now, and just discoverd construct 3.

    do i have to buy a new lisence for construct 3?

    and what do they mean with seats: 3 etc.. when purchasing a new lisence for construct 3?

  • Firstly, yes you will need to buy a new license for Construct 3 as it's a completely separate program. However, if you already have a Construct 2 license, you are entitled to a discount. All offers for Construct 3 as well as how to get any available discounts can be found here.

    Secondly, to put it simply, seats refer to how many people in an organisation require the use of the software. But if you're buying a personal license this won't apply to you.

  • Personally Im not moving onto C3! I get quite paranoid with people stealing projects etc and C3 being online increases that possibility and theres not many differences. I mean it is a great tool to have and I would definately recommend C3 but its not for me really

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  • Personally Im not moving onto C3! I get quite paranoid with people stealing projects etc and C3 being online increases that possibility and theres not many differences. I mean it is a great tool to have and I would definately recommend C3 but its not for me really

    I don't understand your post. It is not in anyway relevant to the OP question - it is just an opinion and is irrelevant to this thread.

  • zenox98 yeah your right sorry

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