I bought monthly subscription but still seeing "Free Edition"?

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Fully commented source code/event sheet & sprites to create a space shooter game
  • Great morning all,

    Its a wonderful day.

    I bought the recurring monthly subscription but when I load a sample project, it shows I am using the "Free Edition" and hence have the limitations on it. Is there a way to fix this?

    Thank you again

  • Please logout the editor and back in again, this should clear the issue. There's a small bug here am working on fixing.

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  • Hi Tom,

    It worked! I am grateful for your help.

    May I make a suggestion/request as well. As Construct is aimed at users who have less development experience than most, it would helpful if the documentation contained a few more examples of how to implement features. For example, on the AJAX page (https://www.construct.net/en/make-games/manuals/construct-3/plugin-reference/ajax) if you had a screenshot or a few lines on how to make the call with a basic example of retrieving data from a page, it could help push users in the right direction, have them make progress and then further explore features/issues once a basic implementation is working.

    Thank you again! Its truly a great product and your work is meaningful and helping others.

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