Big help needed!!!!

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From the Asset Store
Game with complete Source-Code (Construct 3 / .c3p) + HTML5 Exported.
  • My construct crashed and it gave me an option to save. i did and then the file wont open. I get an error which says the file is not a valid construct 3 file!!!! please help I have put way too much time and effort into this thing!!!

  • Can you try to open the c3p file with a zip program (like 7zip) and check its contents?

    If you can't, well you are in some bit of trouble there.

    Always remember to set up autosave targets to e.g. Google Drive and back up your project state every X minutes.

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  • It's essential to have regular backups for all digital work.

    You can send the project to and I'll see if it can be recovered, but I cannot guarantee anything. Most cloud save providers give you a file history, and Construct also has built-in backup features - you should use them.

  • ok im going to send you the file. and opening the file in a winrar does work

  • I save all my important files in Dropbox, since it keeps a running version history, allowing you to go back to a previous save at any time. Bailed me out more times than I can count.

    If you're unable to recover anything, I still have the download you sent me from the wall collision post you made a few days ago if we're talking about the same project.

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