Automatic Walk for Main-Character from outside the viewport to the inside of it

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  • Hello,

    I'm developing a small Plattform-Type/Jump'n Run game for a school project.

    I have a title screen with a "Play" button to start the game.

    After the button is clicked, I like the user to see the scenery first and after a few seconds the Main-Character should walk automatically, from the outside of the viewport into the inside of it.

    I tried it with pathfinding but it only works when the player starts already inside the viewport, right?

    What else can I try?

    The Main-Char will also use a sprite-sheet.


  • Use 'Simulate Control' on the platform behaviour to make it walk automatically to the right, you could do this for a few seconds on a timer then stop and give control to the player.

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  • Hey lionz,

    thx for the quick answer and it works fine now.

    I added a screenshot of the Eventsheet, with the "Simulate Control" solution.

    If you think there is a better/more elegant way to implement it, let me know.

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