How do I apply json tilemap data in editor?

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  • I have a single layout, 3 layers of tilemaps, one array storing 3x json tilemap data for each level.

    I want an easy way to load those json tilemap layouts in editor to be able to make changes to the levels.

    I have found some json -> tmx converters, but something seems off.

    Is there really no "load tile-data from json-string" available in the editor?

    I'd rather not create a full lvl editor just for this.


  • That would be a feature request.

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  • That would be a feature request.

    Thanx newt, I seem to find those things that require extra features before I ask for help... perhaps it's a good thing, it should mean I have tried enough before posting.

    Guess I have to dedicate a level editor to the matter.

    ** If ashley is sneaking around in here... **

    The desired feature should not be a too complicated thing to implement in construct tilemap interface since the code to load json into the tilemap at runtime already exists.


    (Ocsid too tired to post formal feature request..)

    *wink wink* zzzz

    thanx again

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