Annoying Layout Issue. How do I fix?

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  • Hey everyone, I've had this layout issue for awhile now and ignored it, but now my game is finished and I want to fix it because it gives a slightly negative first impression.

    My game loads with the layout slightly off-center and becomes even more off-center after returning from full-screen, but then it corrects itself when I click on an in-game button.

    1. My game loads up with the layout slightly off center:

    2. It stays that way when I go to Full-Screen. However, when I click on an in-game button (go to a new layout), the screen centers itself. In the image below, I advanced the game, then clicked "back" to show you the centering of the start screen.

    3. When I exit Full-Screen, the layout goes even more off-center than at the start, when a white border on the left side.

    4. Then, I click any in-game button and the layout re-centers perfectly for the rest of the playthrough, so long as I don't go back and forth from Full-Screen.

    What's going on here and is there a way to prevent the initial issues? Here's my layout properties and my full-screen button actions.

    Let me know if you need anything else to figure this out. Thanks!

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  • Do you have a camera sprite on this layout?

    Try changing "Unbounded scrolling" property. Also make sure that scroll is set to the center of the layout. You can check this in Debug Mode.

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