Animations editor lagging with laptop.

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  • Hello, recently I bought a gaming laptop for using construct 3. I have been using a PC for all of my work and I thought it would be nice to be able to work mobile. Construct seems to run fine with it but in the animations editor it freezes up and the pixel drawing tool follows the cursor very slowly. I work on chrome and am using the latest version. The issue does not occur with my PC which is using the same version of chrome.

    I also noticed the layers bar "Lock" graphic looks kind of chopped in half...

    The same with the event sheet graphic.

    I opened Pixilart as a test and it did not lag with the mouse cursor. Construct itself runs well but the popup windows seem to take a little longer to open then normal.

    The issue occurs with the online version of construct 3 and the downloadable one as well regardless of what project is running.

    Any thoughts on what the issue might be?


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  • Update: I tested construct 3 in Edge and Firefox and so far Edge seems to run the best compared to Chrome and Firefox. Edge still has some "brush lag" in the animations editor but does not freeze up.

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