How do I animate a 3D object's faces?

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Video intro templates for games and game making with Construct 3 made with Animate
  • I'm trying to figure out how "Toggle Camera Perspective" 3D demo functions but I'm having a hard time.

    I'd like to be able to have a billboard character with animations (like Idle and walking etc) how the demo's set up. But I can't figure out how it's done? Seems like there's a Billboard, and a Collision, and a Sprite, but I can't for the life of me figure out how it's actually put together.

    I wish 3D objects supported animations for their faces. :/ That would be great. Hoping it'll be a feature sometime soon.

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  • It's actually possible.

    0) Set the project setting 3d camera scale to regular.

    1) Create a 3D object (box shape).

    2) Create a sprite and import / draw all desired animations & frames.

    3) Create a container on the 3d object and add the sprite.

    4) Set the right face of the 3d object to use the sprite as texture.

    5) Create an event that adjusts the 3d box dimensions as follows:

    Every tick - Set 3d box height to sprite.imagewidth, set 3d box z-height to sprite.imageheight

    Now, you can control the 3d box appearance by simply controlling the sprite animations.

  • Thank you so much! I'll give this a try when I get a chance. Still hoping they'll add animation support for 3d objects but until then, this is a great workaround.

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