Is Android App Bundle now required for GooglePlay releases?

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  • I get a warning regarding needing to use Android App Bundle. Even though I dismiss this warning, I still can't start the rollout on GooglePlay. Any ideas?

  • Hey, have you got any solution?

  • What i did was export to Android Studio and generate from there the bundle file.

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  • You should be able to ignore the warning and still publish APKs.

    Construct games are already low-overhead and widely cross-platform, so Android App Bundles are unlikely to provide any significant optimization benefit. However Google want people to use it anyway so they show a warning.

  • Hey Ashley, I know that it's only a UI problem of Google Developer's part. But, after the release of Cordova 8.1.0, Android App Bundles are now supported on the Cordova CLI, maybe you guys in the team can try to support that, so you can stop dealing with these misunderstanding issues.

    Or a blog post to workaround and explain this once.

  • As bibirez suggests it's quite easy to produce an AAB by using the Android Studio export, but Ashley is correct that other than silencing that warning in the Play Store console there is little reason to do so at the moment. We can add additional notes to the tutorials and manual in this regard, and we probably should. However, I'm sure people will still be confused. Not everyone reads the manuals and it's easy to miss a small comment about the format. It also doesn't help that the warning on the Play Store console can appear to be preventing release to the untrained eye.

    We are aware of the update. It's technically cordova-android 8.1, we're already using the latest cordova-cli 9.0 (which uses cordova-android 8.0 by default). We are planning to update to use the latest version of cordova-android. However, we have a blocking issue to resolve prior to updating. We will have to do additional work to add support for the new format as well, so it will likely be available after we've updated to the latest cordova-android version.

  • Yep, I'm aware it's a cordova-android update, not the cli.

    That's great news!

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