I want to allow resizing and rotating images in my game, How to do it?

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Save hours of work by resizing items on your game screens.
  • I want to allow players to change the position, rotation and size of images. (Creative game).

    How to display on a picture the controls (gizmo)? As there is in edit mode.

  • Why is something so simple not built into the system?

  • If you mean similar controls to the resizing/rotating as is used in Construct's Layout View, it only seems simple because a huge amount of work has gone in to refining a variety of complex and subtle user interactions in to something that feels like it just works. There's a large amount of of complicated code behind it, and reinventing that for a game could well be tricky. Perhaps a significantly simplified version would be more feasible.

  • If you mean similar controls to the resizing/rotating as is used in Construct's Layout View, it only seems simple because a huge amount of work has gone in to refining a variety of complex and subtle user interactions in to something that feels like it just works. There's a large amount of of complicated code behind it, and reinventing that for a game could well be tricky. Perhaps a significantly simplified version would be more feasible.

    Allow a simple version of course it would be good, you can do such a behavior as drag and drop. There are full of games that allow the user to move, resize and rotate. How do they do it? Maybe with unity. Second thing the system is already working for you in the editor, you just need to enable it for game mode.


  • > If you mean similar controls to the resizing/rotating as is used in Construct's Layout View, it only seems simple because a huge amount of work has gone in to refining a variety of complex and subtle user interactions in to something that feels like it just works. There's a large amount of of complicated code behind it, and reinventing that for a game could well be tricky. Perhaps a significantly simplified version would be more feasible.

    Allow a simple version of course it would be good, you can do such a behavior as drag and drop. There are full of games that allow the user to move, resize and rotate. How do they do it? Maybe with unity. Second thing the system is already working for you in the editor, you just need to enable it for game mode.


    Look in the actions of Sprite.

    See where it says "set scale"?

    See where it says "set angle"?

    They won't make a behavior that does that for you because there's too many different ways to do it.

    You can make one yourself with the addon sdk, or with events.

  • > > If you mean similar controls to the resizing/rotating as is used in Construct's Layout View, it only seems simple because a huge amount of work has gone in to refining a variety of complex and subtle user interactions in to something that feels like it just works. There's a large amount of of complicated code behind it, and reinventing that for a game could well be tricky. Perhaps a significantly simplified version would be more feasible.


    > Allow a simple version of course it would be good, you can do such a behavior as drag and drop. There are full of games that allow the user to move, resize and rotate. How do they do it? Maybe with unity. Second thing the system is already working for you in the editor, you just need to enable it for game mode.



    > Thanks!!!

    Look in the actions of Sprite.

    See where it says "set scale"?

    See where it says "set angle"?

    They won't make a behavior that does that for you because there's too many different ways to do it.

    You can make one yourself with the addon sdk, or with events.


    You can do anything with javascript but I use an engine. And this is a common thing, not a special thing.

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  • It’s a special thing. There are many ways to do it.

    Here’s one possible way.


  • It’s a special thing. There are many ways to do it.

    Here’s one possible way.



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