admob is not working, how can I solve it?

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From the Asset Store
2D fighting template based in the game that defined the fighting games genre.
  • Hello everyone, it's been a while that in my little game the ads don't appear.I've been trying to fix it for a while but still they keep not appearing.How can I fix it?

    I have tried either putting them as global variables or directly in the event sheet but nothing.

    I have them preload at startup but they do not appear.The ad id is correct. The msg pre loaded by admob to accept cookies loads it but the rest does not. how can i solve it?thanks a lot


  • Is creating another one while showing the previous one standard? You could try removing that first to see if it has any effect. Also are you sure the function is running? Add some logging to find out. What platform are you testing it on?

  • I am testing on my android phone, previously listed on admob as a device for testing.

    Whether it is standard or not I honestly don't know but my idea in the workflow was:

    At layout startup create it, at action x show it and after showing it recreate it.

    I can put console logs to see if it works but underneath there is another function "stop to show video" and the button works obviously the advertisement doesn't start but the button works.

  • You can't say if it's admob until you confirm the events are running and that function is actually running. If it gets to that point then you can think about admob settings. Also I think you're meant to run it in test mode so you don't get account banned?

  • I put some items to try(or console logs).

    As for test mode I have already tried it but ad mob gives you the option to put test devices by giving them your device id for advertising in such a way that you don't risk banning.

    you can reach it from the admob control panel in "settings, test devices"

  • Hi, I tested the functions by popping up some test texts here and there, the function works. The problem remains that the ads don't start I don't know how to solve it.

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  • Ah ok that's different to a few years ago, at least you can test with real ads. And you removed the create action in case it cancels out the other ad?

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