Is this addon worth it?

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    I've been trying to implement a minimap into my game for some time and have been struggling with it. I noticed this addon and it caught my attention but I'm hesitant for two reasons: a) the asking price seems a bit ridiculous and b) I've looked through a few of these peoples' addons and most of them seem to offer functionality (for a similar price) that could easily be achieved in vanilla Construct.

    So, in your opinion, is the minimap plugin worth it or should I save my money and try to figure it out myself?


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  • Is a minimap that hard to make? It's basically a scaled down map of the level with markers where things are, or some variation of that. The forum has a lot of posts about them and at least a few examples. If you're having issues making one you could make a topic as there are a lot of knowledgeable folks that could maybe help.

    Guess you could look at the reviews which seem to be mixed but they do seem to respond to issues so maybe the cost would give you user support? Honestly most of what's on the store is doable with vanilla C3 from what I've seen. But I'm not the target audience, as I've never bought anything from it...

    Anyways here is a minimap done with three events.

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