How to add Emoji icons into a text field?

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  • Hi,

    I have been looking around but haven't found any posts about how to add Emoji icons into a text field or list box. Is there a code that's used for this, and where can I find a list of all the code for each Emoji? Even easier, is it possible to simply have an SVG image or a sprite with an image, then just click on that object and the Emoji will be added to the text field?

    Also, Is it possible to send the Emoji icon over to another player in a Multiplayer chat by simply using broadcast message or send message to peer? Or do I actually need to check if an Emoji icon was actually sent, then on the receiver side add that Emoji icon?

    Thanks & Regards,


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  • Hi,

    Does anyone know?

    Thanks & Regards,


  • Most modern systems have a keyboard shortcut to enter emoji - for example on Windows it's pressing the Windows key + dot while typing, which brings up an Emoji picker so I can type emoji like this: 👍

    Construct fully supports emoji, so you should be able to use them anywhere in the editor.

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