How do I add custom (non solid) obstacles to pathfinding?

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Units do not overlap each other and use different ways if there are several free ways.
  • Every single example provided by scirra uses solid obstacles. I tried by using custom non solid obstacles but coundnt make it work. Any working example around? Thanks!

  • It's pretty easy

  • Yeah it should be but this is pretty much what i did and yet I couldnt tell you why its still not working.

    I can easily make it work with any other solid obstacles but once you just change it to custom and of course add the custom pathfinding obstacle for instance on the start of layout it just doesnt work. Im pretty sure its some kind of bug or whatever...

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  • Maybe you are trying to change obstacle type when the pathfinding instance is not yet created. Or you might need to regenerate the obstacle map.

    Can you share your project?

  • Maybe you are trying to change obstacle type when the pathfinding instance is not yet created. Or you might need to regenerate the obstacle map.

    Can you share your project?

    Thank you for your kindness in sharing your time, dop. yeah Im aware of that and was only adding obstacles after creating the pathfinding objects and also regenerating the map whenever was needed. Im not sure, but the issue seems to be related with the fact that all pathfinding instances share the same obstacle map. I could "fix" and make it work by changing their cell borders to different values. Not sure if it is really necessary, but it worked. I will try to make some more advanteced tests to verufy if everything is really working as it supposed to. I will let you know if i find any other unexpected behaviours. Thaks again!

  • Yeah, check out Ashley's response in this topic:

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