3D game performance

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  • Hello friends.

    I'm creating an isometric topdown game and thinking of using the 3D feature to create trees and objects.

    Characters constantly change size so it would be great to use 3d for him to go behind objects without bugging.

    Would it be possible to use many cubes on a map without losing game performance? On a large map there can be more than 2k cubes, obviously it would use resources to destroy and recreate the media objects the player gets close to them.

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  • The best way to answer performance questions is to test and optimise. In this case, I mocked up a quick test and managed to run about 7000 3d shapes with a couple of Sine behaviours before any noticeable performance dip. I have a decent mid-range PC.

    So around 2000 should be no problem (on PC - mobile will be a different situation). Just be sure you test as you work to isolate any performance considerations that might arise.

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