How do I use a 3d camera/Dynamic Camera with 2d Sprites

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From the Asset Store
Simple and easily editable template for a dynamic camera that zooms in and out based on how far apart the players are.
  • Hello, in the game bleak sword dx the camera randomly bounces around and appears to change angles. It sometimes looks from a top down view and sometimes looks like a more first person view. I am thinking this is done with a 3d camera, which I have no experience with, I know the developer said he used 2d sprites in a 3d world. How would I achieve this? Also the camera zooms in and out based on how far the player is from it or it just scales the size of the sprites depending on the distance. Please see the pics below. Can someone explain or make a example project to show how I would do this. I greatly appreciate it

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    This does not give any of the effects, I am looking for. I need a way to change the camera position, scale and zoom. This rotates the camera, in the game bleak sword dx, cult of the lamb, dont starve(by choice) the camera does not rotate. This also does not explain very well how to use the 3d camera to me.

    Also I do not understand the 3d camera, I either get like a glitching/noise look or the camera rotates the whole screen.

    I prefer a 2d method if possible to do a dynamic camera or if it has to be 3d can someone explain how to do it

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