How do I make a 2d platformer conveyor belt?

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  • I have the idea of adding/subtracting to the x coordinates for it to work, but it may interfere with the movement of the player, how can I make a conveyor belt that slows the player down when moving against it, but adds speed when moving with it?

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  • Hi, if you are using platform movement you can add a variable to any obstacle you want to be like a conveyor belt, with the direction it drives the player towards. When the player lands on these obstacles, simulate movement with its platform behavior in the corresponding direction.

  • I'm looking for not a complete stop on the conveyor belt when trying to move the opposite way you move slowly, I'm tinkering with changing the vector x, but I'm getting the same results as the simulate movement way you said.

  • I've managed to kind of figure it out, just make the conveyor belt movement speed a speed of the middle of 2 points (my characters max speed is 50 so I used the middle of 50 and 25, you get middles by adding both, and dividing by 2), and make the vector x become a smaller number (use maths, i.e the smaller number from before mentions divided by like 2,4,6, and maybe 8). remember to use -#'s for left, and +#'s for right.

    (please if you can, correct my code and send it here)

    Image of my code to show my functions:

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