Why wont my audio tags work?

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  • So I'm attempting to have the background music be half as loud when a sprite is clicked, and then at the end of the event for that sprite (when it is clicked), have the background music be set to normal volume. i was able to achieve the first part by leaving it blank and using the event "when *sprite* is clicked, set "" to -10 dB" but that of course didn't work for the end, where i was trying to use the event "set "" to 0 dB", because in between those events, i have another event added to start and stop playing a different audio, and "" only works for the last audio played. so i tried to put a tag onto the audio, but the tag isnt working. (what i mean by this is when i put the tag name into the events to make the sound less loud and normal, it just didnt work). please any help? ive attached pictures of where i gave the sound a tag name and where i tried to put the tag into use. thank you so much.

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  • In theory what you are describing should work but the screenshots are too limited to tell what's going on. If you can share the project I can help. Or try with a very basic event and see if you can get it working to change the volume with a tag.

  • I was unable to attach a demo .cp3 but here are some screen shots of a working example

    Clearly not much different than your attempt ...but without seeing more of the code its hard to decipher, hope this helps ya track it down

  • I was unable to attach a demo .cp3 but here are some screen shots of a working example

    hope it helps

    thanks! i think the issue might be the spacing in the tag name

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