Why do some topics have to wait for approval?

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  • For several days now, I have posted a topic that contained an image that has not yet been approved. I think it is very awful to wait so long to get an answer. Remove the need to approve the topic. No one in this forum is going to post pornographic images or post political content.

  • For several days now, I have posted a topic that contained an image that has not yet been approved. I think it is very awful to wait so long to get an answer. Remove the need to approve the topic. No one in this forum is going to post pornographic images or post political content.

    This restriction will reduce for you as you post more and more and license holders don't have these restrictions. You'd be surprised at some things that are posted, the system can be a little inconvenient for new authentic users but it's effective at stopping a lot of spam.

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  • > For several days now, I have posted a topic that contained an image that has not yet been approved. I think it is very awful to wait so long to get an answer. Remove the need to approve the topic. No one in this forum is going to post pornographic images or post political content.

    This restriction will reduce for you as you post more and more and license holders don't have these restrictions. You'd be surprised at some things that are posted, the system can be a little inconvenient for new authentic users but it's effective at stopping a lot of spam.

    Thank you for your respectful reply

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