Why is there no notification BEFORE charging for another year of Construct subsciption?

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • Most subscription services (especially where you pay annually) send a notification a couple of days before renewing for another year. It's a common courtesy - maybe I don't need this subscription anymore, or I might want to change my payment details.

    Why doesn't Construct give such a warning?

    I just got charged for a friend's subscription which I had no intention to renew..

  • Yeah to be fair it caught me off guard too. The other unusual thing I noticed is, my PayPal receipt says it sent £15 more than what C3 costs on Construct's website (Inc VAT). If I had unsubscribed, then made a fresh sub, would I have saved £15? Maybe I'm missing something or there's a charge at the final step of payment or something, but yeah I'll email support, but check this yourself just in case!

  • agreed, it's big payment to have surprised on you.

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  • Hi Tom,

    I believe you mentioned in some other topic that Construct will now notify us by email before charging for another year of subscription. But I can't find that post, did I imagine it? :)

    In any case, can you please add such notification? I really don't enjoy unexpected $150 charges.

  • Sorry about this - looks like a bug in our emails in our old system, I'll get this looked at.

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