Webgl 1 Vs Webgl2

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  • Hi guys the graphic in game crush every time i export the APK using android Studio but when i try the game using Remote Preview the game work fine on my (sony xperia z3)

    after a lot of research i find that the problem is the Webgl2

    i try the game on my author phone (google pixel 1) and it work super fine

    guys i'm non programmer and i don't understand a lot of thinks in coding if anyone know how to solve the problem or any tips to fix the webgl problem i will be more than grateful

    also i try to export Debug APK using construct 3 server but the APK won't install (”Application Not installed”)

    Thanks in advance


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  • "also i try to export Debug APK using construct 3 server but the APK won't install (”Application Not installed”)" - did you delete the previous version of the game from your phone before installing this one?

  • Simple Games yes i did it and i clean the ram & cash

  • any idea ?

  • I think that's dependent on which version of WebView you are running on Android. Maybe research and see if you can enable webgl2 on your webview version. You may need to update your webview or even update your Android version.

  • The evidence you've shown suggests the problem is not WebGL 2. The screenshot you showed says WebGL 2 is not supported on that device, so it won't be used. If it's not used, it can't be the problem. So we go back to square one and basically there's no indication at all what the problem could be from this post.

    As ever, the best approach is to make the smallest project you can that demonstrates the problem, and share the project file so other people can try it out.

  • Fib Thank you for your reply will try to update everything in android studio and tell you what happen

  • Ashley thank you so much for the reply What make me think about webgl causing this is android studio Debugger

    What happen is the images and the sprite font goes black (i believe this a rendering problem) also i notice the problem happen when i switch between the layouts but what i didn't understand is why the game work perfect in Remote preview

    i will try to make a smaller project and share with you but the more smaller the project the more rendering problem not showing and the opposite happen when project big

  • Ashley Take a look

  • It's not clear why that happens or if it's even actually a problem (in the past I've seen that message without any serious consequences at all).

    As I said, the best approach is to make the smallest project you can that demonstrates the problem, and share the project file so other people can try it out.

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