Videos not working in my NW.js export

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  • Hi. webm videos are embedded in the app. Everything works when exporting to WebView2 but not NW.js. Can't use WebView2 because of the title bar and I need kiosk mode. I am exporting on Mac but running on windows.

    Are there any known issues?

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  • Hi, apologies for not actually helping, and you probably know this already, but I'd recommend checking the issues page for any specific problems you might be encountering.

    Also, if your problem is not there, it's very useful to have new issues opened when they are replicable.

  • Thanks, I don't see any similar issues on the issues page.

    I created a github account to open a new issue, but I'm a little hesitant about uploading the project.

    Is that the only way to get support?

  • The problem seems to be that the 'set video source to' videos won't play. I've tried two different older versions of NW.js. The Videos are WebM. The app runs great exporting as WebView2; however, that shows a title bar, and I need this to run in kiosk mode on a pc. I haven't found a way to get WebView2 to run in kiosk mode either.

  • I'm wondering if this is an h.264 issue.

  • I'm not sure why it says (h.264) when it is a WebM video using VP8

  • I'm noticing that

    'on layout start' 'set video source' works

    but 'on touched object' 'set video source' does not work

  • I did a test where I added a separate video frame with the source of the video added to the properties. 'on touched object' 'play' worked.

    I was hoping to get away with just one video frame and use 'set video source' action'

    What is the problem with using the 'set video source' action?



  • It's difficult to help from a forum thread like this, as all anyone can do is speculate. By far the best way to get the right help quickly is to share a project file demonstrating the issue.

  • I understand.

    I've pretty much narrowed it down to

    'on touched object' 'set video source to' - is not working.

    'on layout start' 'set video source to' - does work.

    My question is are there any known issues regarding this?

  • Hi Roddy. As mentioned previously, the best way to address issues/possible bugs, is to replicate it in a clean file and post it as an issue with a description of the process to replicate it.

    Without these clear steps you probably won't get the answers you're looking for regarding problems in the engine.

    Also, if you didn't find anything related in the Github page, you're probably the first one to encounter it, so it's actually super helpful to use that platform and post the issue there.

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