using c3 offline full sub version

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  • Hi there, just wanted to check in and see how it will work to use c3 offline. At the moment if i go offline I can only use the free version limits which on most projects at the moment is no good to me. Will it work (or is it meant to now) that subscribers will be able to use the full version offline. as at the moment if i am at my worksite (a remote mine site) i do not have reliable connections, majority of the time 0 connection.

    Thank you.

  • It's definitely planned to use your subscription offline, but we need to do a bit of architectural work first. I can't give an ETA but we hope to have this available soon.

  • It's definitely planned to use your subscription offline, but we need to do a bit of architectural work first. I can't give an ETA but we hope to have this available soon.

    That's good news. Will it support educational licenses as well (many schools don't have a reliable internet connection in my country).

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  • On this moment I am in Botswana with very poor and slow internet connection.

    I can confirm that Construct 3 is working fine, despite the very poor internet connection.

    Hope this helps.


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