Me trying something

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  • So I've thought about what I could do for the next game before (or after) I release my big project (kept under wraps until it's finished), and I thought of maybe doing something exciting. I had originally envisioned another arcade like game but then I thought about it a lot more and I wanted to do something I hadn't really tried before. Most of the games I make are level based and linear, but I wanted to stray from that for this occasion, I wanted to work on something not so level based and instead focus on an open space game where you can explore the world more while still making some sort of progression, and I think this could work. But should I try to do it, or should I instead do a more linear game?

  • If you have a great idea, of course you should try it. Sounds like you want to build some sort of RPG.

    RPGs just require a lot more carefull planning, otherwise it becomes one of those dream projects that never really finishes.

    An arrow not fired, ... will always miss

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  • Just from my personal experience, I find sandbox games are nice in that you can focus on mechanics rather than story and writing. Not that sandbox games can't have good writing, but linear games tend to benefit more from a director's skill set, while sandbox games the background can be more emergant.

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