Templates Qol

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From the Asset Store
Background Story generation templates. See the Arcade demo.
  • The Templates feature is now pretty much required when dealing with complicated setups like mesh, but access to the strings is already becoming problematic.

    We need a quick method to see what's there, and a quick method to change them, in the editor, as a list perhaps. We need this because comparing strings increases the chances of errors dramatically.

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  • Just to make this clear, this is a request for some kind of UI where it is possible to view all the templates and their replicas at a glance, right?

  • Yeah. I was thinking in the Z order bar perhaps.

  • A hierarchy view might be better than the current Z Order bar regarding this.

    As it would also allow to create hierarchy relationship directly by drag and dropping objects under/on top of each other in this dedicated view. On top of a lot of new QOL stuff it would allow, such as a way to efficently find and select instances of the current Layout

    I filled a detailed request a few weeks ago, Hierarchy View :


    If anyone is interested please consider voting for it.

    (Also, I made this list of other important QOL/features that could be nice to have in the engine, how they could work in combination with each other, or with already existing features and so on. Some of them are related to Hierarchies/Templates : construct3-21h2.ideas.aha.io/ideas/C321H2-I-318)[/i]

  • A hierarchy view might be better than the current Z Order bar regarding this.

    As it would also allow to create hierarchy relationship directly by drag and dropping objects under/on top of each other in this dedicated view. On top of a lot of new QOL stuff it would allow, such as a way to efficently find and select instances of the current Layout

    I filled a detailed request a few weeks ago, Hierarchy View :


    If anyone is interested please consider voting for it.

    (Also, I made this list of other important QOL/features that could be nice to have in the engine, how they could work in combination with each other, or with already existing features and so on. Some of them are related to Hierarchies/Templates : construct3-21h2.ideas.aha.io/ideas/C321H2-I-318)[/i]

    Yes please, you got 3 votes from me.

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