Sudden huge framedrop in debugger (after chrome was updated?)

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  • Hello! Yesterday (like always in the past) I worked on my project and debugger mode (Inspect page) worked as usual without any lags.

    But today I suddenly encounter huge frame drops and lags! -(( I checked this and on my old versions of the project - the same issue.

    I guess that this happened because Chrome was updated today (to v., don't see any other reason for such changes in performance. I run C3 in Firefox browser and get good performance as it was yesterday in Chrome...

    And I worried that this also can lead to reducing performance not only in debug mode?

    So, anyway it's good to investigate these changes.

    Also, maybe somebody knows how to change the Chromium version to an older one?

    Enabling "Use Worker" in C3 project settings - helps to solve this, but previously it works nice with "Use Worker" - No. And I worried about non-debugger performance on slower PC's or Mobiles after this changes in Chomium.

    Thanks for attention!)

    P.S.: Construct 3 - r293.3 stable.

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