Running HTML "game" offline

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From the Asset Store
five golem elements Sprites Sheet.Best for enemy or villain game characters.
  • Hi, I create a simple touchscreen interactive slideshow. I exported it as an HTML5 package, not minify, when I launch it locally (because it will run off a computer on site, not from the web), I get this error.. (in edge)


    Access to script at 'file:///F:/Downloads/Skyrizi/scripts/offlineclient.js' from origin 'null' has been blocked by CORS policy: Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome-extension, edge, https, chrome-untrusted.

    all the .js have this error...

    any workaround.. (I wanted to use the windows launcher (.exe) .. but I get the white bar at the top that I can't remove.)

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  • The HTML5 export is for uploading to websites - it doesn't allow you to play your game by double clicking it, it must be uploaded onto a website in order for play. There's ways round this, but what you're looking for is the "NW.JS" export option, as this creates an EXE file that opens nice and easily.

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