Questions about a multiplayer project that I intend to develop for a friend

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  • A friend of mine is hiring me to develop a simple multiplayer game and I am wondering if I am able to accept it.

    I've two concerns:

    - Server: can I use the Scirra's multiplayer server for this? If not, what server can I use? A free one if it's possible.

    - Extra features: the game would have disputes between players and he would like to offer a system of selling credits for the players to use in these disputes (an example: two players enter the game and the credit is deducted from each one and the player winning the dispute takes all the credits.) I believe that this is a system apart and I do not understand how it does. If anyone does, could I integrate this system into the game later? if so, in what way could it be?


  • To your first question, you can use Scirra's signalling server. If you want to have a dedicated host for the game, you simply need to keep a session running

  • To your first question, you can use Scirra's signalling server. If you want to have a dedicated host for the game, you simply need to keep a session running

    It's a bit confusing for me. Do I need a dedicated server to have a multiplayer game running? I am assuming this is not the regular host where I host my website, for example. If so, I can host the game and still use the Scirra's signaling server for free?

  • > To your first question, you can use Scirra's signalling server. If you want to have a dedicated host for the game, you simply need to keep a session running

    It's a bit confusing for me. Do I need a dedicated server to have a multiplayer game running? I am assuming this is not the regular host where I host my website, for example. If so, I can host the game and still use the Scirra's signaling server for free?

    The multiplayer plugin uses P2P, where the first player to enter the game is the host, and the rest are peers, so you don't need a dedicated server. Yes, you can host the game on your website and still use Scirra's signaling server

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  • Thanks, kidswithcrowns

    Could someone please help me by answering my other question?

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