Question about Admob and exporting to Android

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AdMob Plus PRO
$12.99 USD
[ Support C3 Build service ] Native Ad, App Open Ad, Banner Ad, Interstitial Ad, Rewarded Interstitial Ad, Rewarded Ad.
  • Hi,

    I've been trying to test whether Admob banner ads are working via testing my app on an android device. No ads are displaying so it looks as though they aren't loading. So far I've tried exporting unsigned release APK, which gives me the error message "App not installed" when I try to load and open it on my phone, and debug APK, which works but doesn't display ads.

    This is the code I've been using:

    I'm new to this so there could be any number of things I'm doing wrong. Any advice would be really appreciated.


  • In this event you only prepare the ad, but don't show it "show: false" do you have "Show banner advert" action somewhere?

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  • Hi,

    I've been trying to test whether Admob banner ads are working via testing my app on an android device. No ads are displaying so it looks as though they aren't loading. So far I've tried exporting unsigned release APK, which gives me the error message "App not installed" when I try to load and open it on my phone, and debug APK, which works but doesn't display ads.

    This is the code I've been using:

    I'm new to this so there could be any number of things I'm doing wrong. Any advice would be really appreciated.

    Make "Show:false" to "Show:true".

  • Many thanks, Cascade Games and Simple Games,

    I've changed it to to "Show:true" and it's working now. I forgot to mention my Admob account was new and unverified at the time, which might have stopped the ads from displaying.

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