Before i purchase a signalling server...

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From the Asset Store
The official Scirra Multiplayer Signalling Server for helping peers find and connect to each other
  • The signalling server offered by Scirra is wholly unusable for my purposes. There's no method of controlling users logging into the game (like an SQL database) and there's no way to start and stop hosts if you don't want the game hosted by a player.

    I've been playing around with a wss client and server in C#, connecting to the public signalling server with no major issues and it appears that writing my own signalling server part wouldn't be that difficult.

    Therefore, my question is this:

    Does anyone know how readable the js code is for the signalling server?

    What I'm hoping to accomplish is to create a signalling server that starts a 'host' client for players to join as peers and then, pass off to the multiplayer control and allow the host to serve the game much the way the current signalling server does.

    In order to do that, it would be real handy to be able to read the signalling server code (since Scirra hasn't released their wss sub protocol standard).

  • Furthermore... and I just noticed this... the Scirra signalling server sends out the IP addresses of everyone connecting. The dev's of RUST learned the hard way that if you have a game and you broadcast the IP address of players, other players will DDOS them with pings just to make them lag out. Don't you just love how desperate some people are to massage their egos with a win?

  • So, I'm guessing this means that nobody knows the answer to this question and therefore I shouldn't waste my money since the dev's apparently have no desire to release any of their MP protocols.

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  • I dont know how much I should be saying here, but I did buy the signalling server code.

    The code is minified, so its pretty hard to modify. I have, for my own personal use added in a basic login via sql. It took me less than an hour of formatting and poking around to understand what was going on with the code to be able to start adding my own functionality. (hint: js code formatters are helpfulllll)

    I hope this helps!

  • I dont know how much I should be saying here, but I did buy the signalling server code.

    The code is minified, so its pretty hard to modify. I have, for my own personal use added in a basic login via sql. It took me less than an hour of formatting and poking around to understand what was going on with the code to be able to start adding my own functionality. (hint: js code formatters are helpfulllll)

    I hope this helps!

    Thank you. That's what I wanted to know.

  • hellooooo guys .. please can you tell me where to buy this signalling server ? and if i bought it can i replace it with scirra's server ?? "wss://" so no one can access the game until someone downloads it or starts it on my website ?

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