My Progress (No Spoilers Though)

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  • Story:

    I'm working very very proactively on a game.

    I've wanted to make a game for the last 15 years of my life, but I never took the time to fully commit to it.

    I've dabbled around with coding and game engines like RPGMaker, Unity, and Gamemaker. I've even coded some animations and small games on old graphing calculators.

    I'm really enjoying the Construct 3 engine, and I'm going to finally achieve this goal since I'm getting older and don't play video games as much anymore.

    Anyway, I thought I'd share my progress. I'm spending 6 to 8 hours per day, treating it like a full-time job (currently working part-time).



    I've completed my first week and have put in a total of 38 hours so far.

    I plan on working every day except Sundays for the next 90 days and will assess my progress from there.

    I'm also planning on putting the game on the Android app store once it's polished enough and playable.

    Unfortunately, I won't be sharing any details of my project until it's nearly finished or I have a very playable version to show and have tested.


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  • I suggest you post some screenshots in this thread:

    People there are very friendly and may give you some good advice or provide extra encouragement and motivation.

    Good luck with your game!

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