Player gets stuck on platforms when the player should just fall down.

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Basic Rounded Vector Geometry Player Design with Glow for 3 player games
  • So when my character hits the side of a platform he is able to sit on the side instead of falling down, I don't know how to get it so that the character only stays on the platform when he is on top and if he is on the side he falls down, the collision polygon is set to just a square on both the player and the platform but it acts as if there is a ledge that is catching. It is most prominent in the circular platforms but also occurs in the protrusions platforms in the very beginning. Any help would be appreciated as this issue has been slowing down any progress on the game since I can't get it fixed.

    Here is the google drive link

  • Your collisions have a slope everywhere.

    For a platformer it is recommended to have an invisible rectangle sprite that we place everywhere as a support.

    Your character had a tilt in the collision. For a hero, it is better to have an invisible rectangle sprite with platforming behavior with an animation attached to it.

    This is good practice.

  • Thanks, I was able to fix the platformers collision and I have tried having the animations as a pin and square working as the actual player in the past but then the player was able to hand completely off an edge without the sprite even touching it and not fall, since the collision box for the sprite is wider than the player's feet. Do you perhaps know a workaround or fix for that issue?

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  • You can see from the screens that the collision is wrong.

    Try to see all examples of platformers.

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