Physical Steering Wheel Capabilities?

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  • I'm building an arcade cabinet with some others for a project and were are going to make a high-score game with construct to put into it. What I am wondering is if there is any known information on if construct allows for this type of input. I don't know a whole lot about how the sim steering wheels work apart from Force Feed Back, however construct obviously takes input from things such as "keyboard" and "mouse" and again I'm not sure if it is possible to take the input from the wheel and use it in any sort of work around. If no one knows then it's not an issue I will just use something else :)

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  • Steering wheels are probably like joysticks and treated as controllers. You should be able to access their input via axis expressions.

  • Steering wheels are probably like joysticks and treated as controllers. You should be able to access their input via axis expressions.

    Thanks this has given me a good start, we've decided to get one and try it out either way. Much appriciated!

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