Open a project with invalid expressions to fix a project you can't open because invalid expressions

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  • This is totally stupid. Why can't we open projects with invalid expressions? We have to somehow correct them, but not through the editor.

    Not sure why, or how the project has an invalid expression, but I have to save as project folder, manually find the offending lines, correct them, and then open.

    Why does construct not allow us to use the editor to correct errors?

    The kicker is that I have no clue why it decided the expression was invalid and wouldn't open the project. I didn't have to fix it, because simply shutting it down, restarting everything and opening the project back up made it happy.

  • Yeah, things like this happen often and I wish Construct would just allow us to open invalid projects. Or at least explain in human terms where the problem is and how to fix it.

    I especially love cryptic error messages like "cannot read properties of undefined at Yu.d_q"

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  • I especially love cryptic error messages like "cannot read properties of undefined at Yu.d_q"

    Lol, Yu looks quizzically sad T_T

  • In normal usage of Construct, it should be impossible to save a project with invalid expressions.

    If you do something like addon development and make a mess of a project, e.g. by saving it with one expression, making breaking changes to the addon, and then trying to open the project again... that's kind of on you!

  • Well, I can't say I didn't do anything to break it, but I also didn't make any changes (that I was aware of) in order to break it. I didn't make anychanges to fix it and after restarting everything it was all good. I am curious if my server went down at just the right moment, could an expression fail to be loaded?

    In another instance I was breaking it on purpose, ASHLEY. But I was kinda expecting to be able to still open the project and remove all offending lines. I like to build up a project with all the ACES that a behavior adds, but as I work, sometimes I decide a behavior shouldn't have a particular ACE and I remove it... breaking the whole project.

    It would be super cool to be able to go into a project with errors and fix them.

    But yeah, the issue in that case is all on me, lesson learned. Delete All aces in project first before deleting in behavior.

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