Online Multiplayer video tutorials?

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  • Kyatric

    I enjoyed the video tutorials on your website. Have you ever made any step by step tutorials for online Multiplayer? If not, do you know of anyone who has? Videos make a bigger impact for me vs reading.

  • I haven't.

    I'm not sure if video would be the best support for such a complex subject though.

    Nevertheless, stay tuned to the forums and to Scirra's social medias, more documentation is in the works on this very subject, soon to be released.

  • Kyatric

    I enjoyed the video tutorials on your website. Have you ever made any step by step tutorials for online Multiplayer? If not, do you know of anyone who has? Videos make a bigger impact for me vs reading.

    For now, I would recommend playing around with the templates. It can be overwhelming at first but Construct 2/3 does a lot of the heavy lifting for you - try to focus on figuring out how syncing objects and sending/receiving messages works. It becomes quite simple the more you progress. I'd be happy to answer any questions that you might have.

    All that said - don't bother using Construct 3 for Multiplayer unless local preview gets added:

    Construct 2 is your best bet for now.

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  • Kyatric

    [quote:2vppjj4o]Nevertheless, stay tuned to the forums and to Scirra's social medias, more documentation is in the works on this very subject, soon to be released.

    Was this what you were referring to, or is there more to come? ... ce=NewBlog

  • Yes.

    I'm aware it isn't step by step, I was only told it was coming and was dealing with making a multiplayer game, giving away pretty good tips.

    We'll see in the future if I'm up to dive in making such a tutorial but I currently really don't have the time to make one anyway.

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